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Saint Patrick’s Well

A few years ago that we traveled for a family wedding to County Tipperary Ireland.
It is a beautiful place filled with fields, horses, ancient buildings,
the friendliest people and of course St. Patrick’s Well.
It was thought that Saint Patrick passed through here and may have used this place to bathe or to baptize, it’s also a place that is magically green as the natural spring water saturates and feeds the lush vegetation.
Uncle Glen…as he is known to his young nephews and Dad to our son
who adventured with him this day, likes to trek off regular routes to find the best angles for photos and untouched areas…places their moms would never let them go. They were off!
Over stone walls, through the maze of centuries old structures, taking a sip from the healing waters and then oops, an obstacle. They’d come to a part of the path that ended in water on all sides, not really an obstacle, just a bit of a leap to the other side. One by one the boys made the jump.
Uncle Glen would have no problem with the jump at all, after all,
his 6’5” frame would carry him easily with little effort, right?
It was the landing.
Soggy grass and stuntman moves that would have him airborne with a backside finishing splash of mud everywhere.
After the boys helped him up, they all shared a good laugh and ended their adventure with brown bread icecream. I’m sure we’ll hear this story at one of their weddings.