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Beauty in Unexpected Places

It was a dark and stormy morning…. it really was, but I was also out at 5 am in a field.The Tulipfest in Washington State is famous. Stunning blocks of color mark the landscape’s horizon. Truly amazing. It was perfect except for the layers of dark clouds that dulled even the most vibrant flower. I waited and waited, it was then that my empty stomach reminded me of the friendly diner I’d driven by on the way. Seemed like a good place to wait out Mother Nature, and it was. It was still overcast as I headed back to the car to contemplate what my next step would be. I noticed the old cement meridians of the parking lot had been planted randomly with every color of tulip, not nearly as precise as the perfect fields I’d come from, but unexpected and cheery. Then, something else unexpected happened. The clouds shifted and for about 5 minutes the parking lot was filled with sunshine and I was able to create this image. Sometimes beauty happens in the most unexpected places.
Glen Durrell